Miscellaneous Resources

  • American Cetacean Society, San Francisco Bay Chapter—Information about whales, dolphins, and porpoises
  • Arctic Kayaks—By an Arctic anthropologist
  • ASC Scientific—GPS, rangefinders, altimeters etc.
  • Bay Model—A three-dimensional hydraulic model of the San Francisco Bay and Delta areas capable of simulating tides, currents and river inflows. The blank is over 1.5 acres in size and represents an area from the Pacific Ocean to Sacramento and Stockton including the San Francisco, San Pablo and Suisun Bays, and a portion of the San Joaquin Delta.
  • California Coastal Records Project—This site provides continuous color photo coverage of the California coastline shot from an altitude of 500 feet in a helicopter. A great resource!
  • California Kayaker Magazine—A free quarterly magazine focusing on kayaking information for California (currently on hiatus)
  • Canadian Marine Weather
  • Canoe & Kayak Magazine—An excellent source of news and articles
  • Carlson Design—Freeware for designing boat hulls, sails, covers, etc.
  • Cooke Custom Sewing—Canoe packs, canoeing accessories, custom tarps and canoe camping equipment
  • cTide—Tide prediction software for Pocket PCs
  • Digital Photography Review—Has information, professional reviews, and hundreds of customer comments on every digital camera on the market
  • Duct Tape Guys—Everything you've ever wanted to know about duct tape
  • Extreme Glow—Light sticks
  • Far Side—Water taxi offers a valuable service to Bay Area kayakers wanting to carry their boats to or from some remote location in the Bay
  • Freshette—Allows ladies to pee while standing up. Equality at last.
  • Garmin—GPS
  • GPS—An overview of the GPS system by the Department of Geography, University of Colorado at Boulder
  • Hypothermia—Prevention, recognition and treatment
  • Jack's Plastic Welding Inc.—Tells you how to repair your plastic boat
  • Kayak Cart—Do it yourself sit on top cart, parts and instructions
  • Kayak Fit—Has everything you need to custom fit your cockpit
  • Kayak Racks—Makes hand-crafted kayak racks using northern white cedar logs. Resilient & weather resistant
  • Kayak Sailing—Sailing rigs for paddlecraft
  • Kayak Seats—How to build a foam seat for your kayak by Ken Rasmussen
  • Lifesaving Systems Corp.—"The world's premier supplier of helicopter & marine rescue equipment."
  • Liquid Fit—A custom wetsuit company. If you don't fit into an off-the-shelf wetsuit or would like something different from the usual black neoprene, check these guys out
  • Lost/Stolen Seakayak Hotline—Maintained by Mariner Kayaks
  • MacENC—Charting software for the Mac that uses free downloadable NOAA Electronic Navigation Charts
  • Malone Auto Racks—Kayak racks
  • Maverick's Surfing—Explore the site and and check out the photos, video, and LiveCam webcam link
  • Mike's Kayak Journal—BASKer Mike Higgins has paddled extensively in the San Francisco Bay Area and along the Pacific Coast, and his journal describes his trips with photographs
  • Mr. Tides—Free tide prediction software for Macs; also works in conjunction with MacENC
  • Nearctica—Covers the natural history and environmental of North America
  • Otter Bay Wetsuits—In Monterey, offers custom wet and dry suits, hoods, booties, etc.
  • OziExplorer—GPS mapping software for Windows
  • Paddle Me Guidebooks—Offers two guidebooks covering hundreds of flat water paddling destinations in California
  • PaddleWise—A semi-moderated mailing list established for discussion of all paddling related topics in all areas of the world
  • Pelican—Makes waterproof flashlights and cases for cameras and cell phones
  • PhotonLights—Home of the Photon Micro-Light©
  • Redfish—Custom-built closed-cell foam seats with back rest and integral hip pads
  • Rolling—By Eric Jackson (whitewater paddler, and top U.S. finisher in the 1992 Summer Olympics and World Freestyle Champion in 1993
  • Ropers Knots Page—Everything you've ever wanted to know about knots
  • Sailboats To Go—Sells sail kits for kayaks, canoes and inflatable rafts as well as canoe and kayak stabilizers. They have generously offered a 5% discount to BASK members
  • Sea Kayaker Magazine—Online site for this magazine, which has ceased publication
  • SeaSpecs—Polarized, lightweight, extreme sunglasses specifically designed for outdoor watersports
  • Skin Boats—In Anacortes, WA. Offers workshops in building traditional kayaks, umiaks, canoes, and paddles
  • Smart-Start-Kayaking—An online guide for kayaking beginners with lots of useful information
  • Strapworks.com—"The Best Strap, Webbing, Buckle, and Hardware Site in the Known Universe"
  • Suspenz Kayak Storgae Racks—Makes an assortment of kayak storage solutions and their website offers free tips on kayak storage
  • Sweetwater Spa & Inn—Hot tubs, spa and massage in Mendocino
  • Tektite—Makes a waterproof battery-operated red and green navigation light
  • TideTool—Free tide computation software for Palm handhelds
  • Universal Time—(UT vs. GMT) by the Astronomical Applications Department of the U.S. Naval Observatory. Explore the rest of their site also, it's pretty interesting.
  • University of Sea Kayaking—The mission of USK is to promote sea kayaking education
  • Waterways—Lists descriptions of fresh and salt water kayak & canoe trips primarily in Maine and New England
  • Wave Length—The online kayaking magazine
  • Wetsuit Wearhouse—Wetsuits for kayakers
  • Wheeleez—Kayak carts
  • World Meteorological Organization—Has weather reports and forecasts from around the world
  • WXTide32—Free Windows tide prediction software