To be eligible for the family rate, family members must live at the same address. A family includes a primary family member who is at least 18 years old and who pays for the membership, and can include one or more additional adults, as well as one or more minor children (under age 18).
To join BASK:
- Print out the membership application/waiver form (see link below).
- Read the waiver.
- Fill out information on the form for yourself, any additional adult family members, and any minor child members.
- Have each adult applicant sign the form and date it.
- Mail the signed form, along with a check for your first year's family dues ($45, payable to BASK) to:
c/o Sean Duffy
1149 Brownwyk Dr
Sacramento CA 95822
We'll activate your account as soon as we receive your form and check. Your family’s membership will be good for one year after BASK receives your payment.
Contact Information
Your name and mailing address are required, so that we know where to send your copy of our annual membership directory. We also require you to provide a valid and unique email address for each family member, including minor children. When your family membership is about to expire, the adult listed first on the application will receive a renewal reminder email; additional adults and child members will not receive email reminders. All other contact information is optional.
Unless you request otherwise, your contact information will be listed in the online directory in the members-only section of the BASK website. After you join, you can manage your family membership and your own user profile on the BASK website. In your profile, you can supply additional information about yourself, as well as opt out of having contact information such as email address, street address, and phone numbers listed in the directory. Unless you opt out of the online directory entirely, other BASK members will always be able to see your city and state. If any of your family members opts out of the online directory entirely, they will not be able to see other members in the online directory.
Website Username/Password
On the membership application, you will need to choose a unique username for each member in your family. Usernames may be up to 32 characters long and are not case-sensitive. After BASK receives your payment, each adult BASK member in your family will receive an email with the member’s username and a login link. The first time you try to log in, you can request password assistance; this will allow you to create a password. Your username and password will give you access to the members-only area of the BASK website. If you have minor children, you can choose whether to provide them with the username and login link information for the website. If any of your requested usernames are already being used by another member, a BASK administrator will contact you to help you choose alternate usernames.
About BASK Activities
BASK activities are common adventures, shared experiences based on cooperation and mutual support. The initiators of BASK activities act as focal points to bring together the ideas, energies, and resources of the group, but are not formal leaders. They are not paid, do not represent BASK, and can take no responsibility for the safety or well-being of participants. Therefore, you should take the time to research and understand the degree of physical risk involved in these activities and be sure that you are prepared for it, make sure that you have all the required equipment and that it works, and be prepared to take responsibility for your own safety and good spirits throughout the activity, as well as the safety of any minor child members of your family.
One of the goals of BASK is to establish a feeling of community among Bay Area sea kayakers. If you know any sea kayakers who might be interested in BASK, please invite them to join us.