Nov 11, 2020 | Announcements, General Meetings
Time: 7 to 9 pm Link to connect through Zoom: See BASK Calendar, website member's home page, or Buzz We have a great program for the General Meeting! Open Discussion and Recent Trip Reports Recap: BASK Resumes Group Paddles with Pandemic Guidelines (Krista Fechner or...
Oct 21, 2020 | Announcements, General Meetings
Time: 7 to 9 pm Link to connect through Zoom: See BASK Calendar, website member's home page, or Buzz We have a great program for the General Meeting! Open Discussion and Recent Trip Reports Introduction to the work of the BASK Equity and Inclusion Committee (Jennifer...
Sep 29, 2020 | Announcements, General Meetings
Dear all, at our next meeting, John Dye will be presenting! Source to Sea Paddling Adventures with Rivers for Change A talk with John Dye of Rivers for Change discussing Sea Kayak travels on the Sacramento River from Shasta Reservoir to the Pacific Ocean. Maps,...
Aug 31, 2020 | Announcements, General Meetings
Our next general meeting will feature Christopher Lockyer. We'll need to start a little earlier than usual since Christopher is sitting in the very eastern tip of our continent and is therefore four hours ahead of us. We'll start at 6 pm (mark your calendars) Meeting...
Jul 27, 2020 | Announcements, General Meetings
This Wednesday we will have a participative program. As some of us are getting on the water in small groups, we could spread the excitement and share experiences by performing some recent trips reports live. If you have images, you will be able to share your screen to...
Jun 23, 2020 | Announcements, General Meetings
Time: 7 to 9 pm Link to connect through Zoom: See BASK Calendar, website members home page, or Buzz Meeting agenda coming soon.