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Featured Presentation

  • Topic: Sea Kayaking the Grand Canyon
  • Presenter: Kim Grandfield
  • Presentation Summary: In April 2016, a group of mostly Bay Area adventurers joined Kim Grandfield for a trip down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. Not only did they paddle the rapids, but they also explored the landscape on many day hikes along the way. In his film "Sea Kayaking the Grand Canyon" Kim shares that adventure through videos and photos.
    Kim on the Grand Canyon
    Kim Grandfield’s passion for the outdoors started in the mountains in the late 60s and led to opening Sunrise Mountain Sports in 1975. In the 90s, Kim added sea kayaking to the list of adventure sports he participates in and caters to in his retail store in Livermore, California. His kayaking experience includes expeditions in Greenland, Alaska, Baja, Patagonia, French Polynesia, the Bahamas, and Wales. In the spring of 2016, Kim organized an expedition down the Grand Canyon where he and his friends ran 226 miles of rapids in sea kayaks. He is a BCU Five Star Sea Leader and an ACA L5 Kayak Instructor. Kim coaches at the Paddle Golden Gate symposium in California, the Lumpy Water symposium in Oregon, and the Baja Kayak Festival every year. When not traveling, Kim paddles and coaches in the waters around San Francisco Bay.
  • Grand Canyon by Sea Kayak

 Other Agenda Items

  • Recent and upcoming events
  • New member introductions
  • New BASK officer nominations
  • Vote on the 2017 BASK budget

Transportation & Parking: You can take BART to the 16th & Mission station; it's a short three-block walk to the Women's Building. If you must drive all the way, we have a special arrangement that allows us to park in the Mission High School lot on the west side of Delores Street between 17th and 18th Streets. The parking driveway is closer to 17th Street and takes you up a ramp to an elevated parking slab behind a chain link fence, as shown in this Google Street View. From there, it's a two-block walk. Put something that says "BASK" on your your dashboard. The lot will be locked at 10 pm, so make sure you're out well before then. Other parking in the Mission is limited. If you need to drive, carpooling and parking west of Mission St. is recommended. There are two parking garages in the area. For trip planning information, see the Women's Building contact page.