Time: 9:30-11:30 am
Location: Albany Community Center, 1249 Marin Avenue, Albany
About: March is the month of BASK's Annual Meeting, in which we elect new officers for the next year. Join us to hear the latest club news, elect new officers, get updates on Mendo Madness 2025, eat a tasty lunch, and more! Our featured speaker Joe Weber will present on "Tule Traditions: Making, Paddling, Sailing and Racing Tule Boats."
Thanks to the diligent work of the Nominating Committee, we have a fantastic slate of new Officer nominees. The nominees for incoming officers are:
- President: Brad Findlay
- Vice President: Evelyn Lee
- Secretary: Cathy Fogel
- Co-Members at Large: Theresa Brigandi and Eoin O'Donoghue
- Food Maven: Genevieve Shiffrar
- Treasurer: Sean Duffy will continue as Treasurer for his three-year term
Don't miss your chance to vote in the new 2025 officers!
We're excited to have Joe Weber speak to us about his heritage and the Tule boats. Joe is a member of the Hopper clan tribe and is half Pomo and half Lakota. He learned about Tule boat making from his uncle, and has been the Tule boat instructor for the last 11 years at Big Valley Tule boat races. A passionate advocate for native rights, he has supported environmental stewardship on several fronts, and was elected as Housing Committee Chairman for his tribe.
Photo from Joe Weber.