Joining BASK is fast and easy! By joining online, you can pay using PayPal or a major credit card, and electronically agree to the mandatory BASK membership waiver. Membership gets you access to our forum (Currents), trip announcements, clinics, special events, and much more for one year after your payment date.

You must be at least 18 years old to register. If you’re already a BASK member, you can log in and renew (even if your membership has lapsed)

Note: Shortly after you join, your email will be added to the BASK Monthly Events and Announcements newsletter email list. See the FAQs for more information.

Individual ($30/year)

This is a standard BASK membership for one person for one year. Join now!

Family ($45/year)

Have more than one paddler living under your roof? Sign up as the primary family member and then add more family members (including children under 18) free! Join now!

Student ($20/year)

Are you a student? You get $10 off your membership⎯hit the books and hit the water! Join now!

Senior ($20/year)

Seniority has its privileges. We've got a $10/year discount for you, if you consider yourself a senior! Join now!

Out-of-State ($20/year)

This discounted rate is for folks who aren’t local, but want access to BASK's information, discussions, and events. Keep abreast of Bay Area paddling year 'round! Join now!

Prefer to Join Offline?

You can also sign up by downloading and printing a paper membership application form, filling it out, and sending it in the mail with a check. (Please don’t use this form if you are able to sign up online.)

Sign up offline (individual, student, senior, or out-of-state) | Sign up offline (family)

Have a question or need help? Check out our FAQs!