January’s planning meeting will be on Sunday, January 21 at Larry Moss's house at 5836 Mendocino Avenue, Oakland.
Potluck at 5 pm, Meeting 6–8 pm
Any BASK member is welcome to attend!
Preliminary meeting agenda:
- Laurie Hill. What we really want is to have her back, and we can’t. Let’s remember her, and those who were with her, then get the main business of the meeting out of the way and come back to this topic. (5 minutes)
- President’s report (Mike): 5 minutes
- How to treat targeted donations with regard to the budget (and, more generally, how to treat money that is allocated in a given year and not spent, given that BASK operates on a cash basis) (Sally, Sharon, and all): 15 minutes.
This is a question that Sally and Sharon have raised with respect to Morris Ho’s donation to fund Safety and Education/New Initiatives activities. To summarize, because Sally and Sharon used Morris’s donation to fund an Incident Management class, they did not spend their 2017 budget allocation. But if that 2017 allocation is now lost to them, effectively Morris’s donation has gone back into the general fund, which was not his intention.
In addition to the question of how to handle targeted donations, there’s the general question of what to do when money that we intended to spend in a given year is not actually spent until the next year. The next agenda item provides a case in point. How do we handle these situations, given that we operate on a cash basis? - Charitable donation to Mission High School? (5 min) Let’s check in on what Corky found out, and make this happen.
- Treasurer report and budget 20 minutes. The officers will discuss the budget by phone prior to the meeting. At the meeting, we will address any further questions, then finalize the budget. The budget will then be announced to the membership, and we will vote on it at (probably) the February general meeting.
- Committee reports:
- Safety and Education (Gregg): 7 min
- New Initiatives (Sally and Sharon): 7 min
- CTC (Krista): 7 min
- Newsletter (Krista and all): 10 min. We need a new volunteer to take it over.