- Location: Pacific Heights Presentation Space, 2222 Bush St., San Francisco
- 6:00 pm: Doors open; chili cook-off and pie contest
- 7:00 pm: Club news and announcements
- 8:00 pm: Presentation
Featured Presentation
- Topic: Meeting the Challenge of Rising Sea Level
- Presenter: Will Travis
- Presentation Summary: Will Travis is a consultant, writer, teacher, and speaker on climate change, and particularly sea level rise adaptation. He has over 40 years of experience in California coastal management, including 17 years as the executive director of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. His presentation will describe the impacts that climate change will have on the Bay Area, discuss what is being done to reduce these impacts, and explain why rising sea level will significantly affect the region. While most people see climate change as an environmental issue, our speaker will explain why dealing with rising sea level is an economic imperative for the Bay Area and discuss how climate change adaptation is being incorporated into the Bay region’s planning for economic prosperity.

Other agenda items:
- CHILI CONTEST & PIE COOK-OFF: bring your favorite recipes; impress your friends!
- Presentation of BASK Skills Clinic 2015 graduates
- BASK 30th Anniversary tote bag delivery!
- Recent and upcoming events
- New member introductions
- Presentation on paddling the Cape of Good Hope by Tim Yarish
Note the different meeting location for the October meeting! If you cannot find street parking, there are garages in Japantown and at 1650 Fillmore St.