- Location: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St., San Francisco, CA 94107
- 6:00 pm: Doors open; pizza and salad provided, $8-10 donation suggested for food cost
- 7:00 pm: Club news and announcements
- 8:00 pm: Presentation
Featured Presentation
- Topic: The Race to Alaska
- Presenter: Mike Higgins
- Presentation Summary: Mike recently successfully paddled the Race to Alaska, a 750-mile race from Port Townsend, WA to Ketchikan, AK that any boat without an engine can enter. He didn't take a lot of photos aside from the crazy places he was forced to camp above 20-foot tides. He will show what photos he has, and share some of the hardships of the trip, telling you what he was thinking while you were watching from the comfort of your browser. To be followed by the Czar's R2AK Limerick Contest! Send your contributions to Tim Yarish.

How to Dress Like Mike
To honor Mike, come dressed like him!
You need a worn hat with a brim that’s wide
A vest with enough purpose-designed pockets to keep it all inside
Some jeans that some might say have seen better days
A do-rag worn about the neck in a rakish way
A t-shirt with a kayak theme you designed yourself
Sensible shoes that promote good foot health
Wire frame glasses and a quizzical expression complete the look
Though he’s been known on occasion to also carry a book
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- Presentation of 2015 BASK Skills Clinic participants
- Recent and upcoming events
- New member introductions
Note: This presentation will be "broadcast" to members who are unable to attend in person as an experiment as a "virtual meeting". The following are instructions to attend virtually. To watch the live video stream of the BASK meetings, please:
- Use any web browser to go to:
- Click on the "Log in / Sign up" link at the top of the page.
- You may simply log in through Facebook or create a free uStream user account
- From the Ustream home page,, simply type "kayaktv" into the search box and you will find the BASK broadcast.
- Before you will be able to view the broadcast, you will either have to view a short advertisement or wait about 20 seconds. There will also be popup advertisements. This is the price of "free."
There are also free mobile apps for iPhone and Android. Go to and look under "Products/apps"
There is a significant delay of many seconds between the live action that I capture and the broadcast you see as the video is processed. You do NOT have to log in to watch the broadcast, however, I would prefer that you do log in, which allows you to join in a live chat as you watch the video. This is an excellent way to let me know that you are watching and that the broadcast is working properly. For questions about the "broadcast" please contact Jonathan Luskin at 415.647.6586.