During a paddle, if an accident or illness leaves you unable to speak, will first responders or your fellow BASK members know what to do? Thanks to member Francine Ball, BASK now has an ICE (In Case of Emergency) form that can provide crucial medical and contact information to others. After printing and filling out the form, you can do one of the following:

  • Fold it in half and laminate it
  • Fold it into quarters and put it in a ziplock bag
  • Fold it into eighths and put it in your wallet or mobile phone case

The form should be stored wherever first responders will be most likely to find it.

You can find the form on the Documents & Forms page, accessible under Club Info in the left menu.

For reference, check out the ICE page on Wikipedia. If your mobile phone allows ICE information to be displayed, you may want to consider that as well. Contact Francine if you have any questions about the form.